2023 Spring Open Barn/Carnival Day

Join us for our 2023 Spring Open Barn! This event is FREE to attend and participate in all activities. Our theme for this Open Barn is a Carnival Day:
-Play fun barn & carnival themed games
-Collect our seven different hole punch shapes in a punch card for a small prize (while supplies last)
-Free opportunity to visit the barn for family fun, meet the horses, and find out more about the activities we offer!

Please RSVP using our Google Form link: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAlpQLSe-0ZyWX7z0tz1SdSMb-UwwxKF-X5E6tuNqSz6LbFEVvMsYA/view form?mibextid=Zxz2cZ

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