Centre County is home to more than one thousand farms and an agricultural history that dates back to the earliest days of Pennsylvania. It’s a history of hard work, a passion for growing things, and a love of the land and all things that come from it.
In 1855, this commitment lead a group of gentlemen farmers to found the Farmers’ High School of Pennsylvania on 200 acres of land belonging to James Irvin, which would later become Pennsylvania State University.
Happy Valley Agventures is a joint effort by the Chamber of Business and Industry of Centre County and the Happy Valley Adventure Bureau designed to invite visitors from around the county and across the region to come and share in this rich history and enjoy what we grow, what we craft and what we create. A chance to meet our people, get to know our heritage, hear our stories and return to the roots of our region.
Across Centre County, agritourism partners are joining in the effort to create a community of agriculturally driven businesses and operations - from farms and farmer’s markets, to restaurants, wineries, breweries and distilleries - to attract visitors, drive tourism revenue, and provide a uniquely Centre County experience.

For more information about all that’s happening in the farms and farmer’s markets, restaurants, wineries, breweries and distilleries of Centre County, just send us a note and we’ll be happy to get back to you. We look forward to welcoming you.